Celebrate National Athletic Training Month with Us

RSVP now to work out your social muscles and celebrate NATM

Graphic depicting several athletic training scenarios plus the announcement that March is National Athletic Training Month

RSVP Now to join our celebration of National Athletic Training Month on Thursday, March 23


Columbia Orthopedics and the New York State Athletic Trainers Association (NYSATA) recognize Athletic Trainers for their commitment to helping people prevent injuries, stay active, and get back in the game when life throws a curve ball. As health care professionals, ATs are highly educated and dedicated to the job, whether in high schools and colleges, corporations, professional sports, military, performing arts, clinics, hospitals or physican offices.

ColumbiaOrtho and NYSATA Young Professionals Committee recognize and honor the essential role you play in providing quality health care for our community every day.

  • WHEN: Thursday, March 23 5:30 - 7:30 pm
  • WHERE: 590 Fifth Ave, 5th Floor New York, NY 10036
  • RSVP: Michael Henne, ATC, CES, OPE-C
    mh3602@columbia.edu(link sends e-mail)
    or call : (212) 305-0762