NOVAJoint Research Project
Building a living knee replacement
ARPA-H Awards Columbia Researchers Nearly $39M to Develop a Living Knee Replacement
Columbia biomedical engineers are collaborating with orthopedic surgeons to build a living replacement knee to be tested in clinical trials within five years.

Credit: ARPA-H
A team of researchers from Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) and Columbia Engineering has been awarded up to a $38.95 million contract from the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) on Novel Innovations for Tissue Regeneration in Osteoarthritis (NITRO) to build a living knee replacement from biomaterials and human stem cells, including a patient’s own cells. ARPA-H is a federal funding agency that funds transformative biomedical and health research breakthroughs, rapidly translating research from the lab to applications in the marketplace. The NOVAJoint research team is developing a regenerative knee implant to restore full joint function to patients severely impacted by osteoarthritis (OA).
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