Dr. T. Sean Lynch Lectures at the ISHA 2018 Annual Meeting
Columbia Orthopedics Associate Residency Program Director, and Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, T. Sean Lynch, MD, is an invited lecturer at the International Society of Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) in Melbourne, Australia. In addition to numerous co-authored podium presentations and posters, Dr. Lynch will present “Best Practice Guidelines for Hip Arthroscopy in Femoroacetabular Impingement," and will also give a co-authored multimedia presentation: “A,B,Cs for Starting Hip Arthroscopy.” Click here(link is external and opens in a new window) to learn more about the ISHA and their annual meeting.
Podium presentations at the conference:
- Minkara A, O'Connor M, Westermann R, Rosneck J, Lynch TS. Validation of PROMIS Computerized Adaptive Testing in Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Prospective Study of the Future of Outcomes Reporting. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Minkara A, Westermann R, Rosneck J, Lynch TS. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Outcomes after Hip Arthroscopy in Femoroacetabular Impingement. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Scott E, Anthony C, Lynch TS, Rooney P, Willey MC and Westermann RW. Cell Phone Administration of the Short Hip Osteoarthritis Outcome Score and Pain Subscale using Text Messaging. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Carender CN, Shamrock AG, Duchman KR, Glass NA, Lynch TS, Westermann RW. Hip Arthroscopy Volume in United States Residency Programs: Are New Trainees Prepared? International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Westermann RW, Bedard N, Duchman KR, Lynch TS, Willey MC. Psychiatric Disorders and Osteoarthritis Independently Predict Failure of Hip Arthroscopy. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Westermann RW, Hu J, Smuncy M, Willey M, Lynch TS, Rosneck JT. The Detrimental Impact of Preoperative Opiate Use on Hip Pain and Function in Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March 2018.
Poster presentations at the conference:
- Lynch TS, O'Connor M, Minkara A, Westermann R, Rosneck J. Biomarkers for Femoroacetabular Impingement and Hip Osteoarthritis: ASystematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Mehta MP, Swindell HS, Westermann RW, Rosneck JT, Lynch TS. Assessing the Readability of Online Information for Hip Arthroscopy. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Mehta MP, Hoffer-Hawlik M, O'Connor M, Lynch TS. Immediate Versus Delayed Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement. An Expected Value Decision Analysis. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Boddapati V, Confino J, Fu M, Duchman K, Westermann RW, Rosneck JT, Lynch TS. Anesthesia Type in Hip Arthroscopy is Not Predictive of Short-Term Complications. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Boddapati V, Confino J, Fu M, Duchman K, Westermann RW, Rosneck JT, Lynch TS. Increasing Age Is Not Independently Associated with Increased 30-Day Morbidity After Hip Arthroscopy. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- O'Connor M, Minkara A, Westermann R, Rosneck J, Lynch TS. Maximal Medical Improvement in Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- O'Connor M, Minkara A, Westermann R, Rosneck J, Lynch TS. Outcomes of Joint Preservation Procedures for Cartilage Injury in the Hip: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
- Westermann RW, Duchman KR, Bedard N, Glass N, Anthony CA, Lynch TS, Mather RC III. Prescription Opioid Use Before and After Hip Arthroscopy: A Caution to Prescribers. ISHA: The Hip Preservation Society Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia. October 4-6, 2018. International Society of Hip Arthroscopy Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia. October 2018.
Follow Dr. Lynch on Twitter(link is external and opens in a new window) for more insights on his work in hip arthroscopy.