Orthopaedic Research Society 2021 Annual Meeting
Lectures and research from Columbia Orthopedics faculty and researchers
February 12, 2021

The Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2021 Annual Meeting will include presentations from Columbia Orthopedics. ORS is an international hub for biologists, engineers, clinicians, surgeon-scientists, orthopaedic surgeons, and veterinarians within the field of musculoskeletal science and orthopaedic care. The virtual meeting will take place on February 12 – 16.
See below for the syllabus of podium and poster presentations being presented by Columbia Orthopedics faculty, residents, and researchers:
Podium and Poster Presentations
Saturday, February 13
Bone-Structure, Function and Mechanics
- Poster No. 0544 - Multi-tissue Structure-function Correlations Between Cartilage, Subchondral Bone Plate, And Subchondral Trabecular Bone In Human Osteoarthritic Knees. (Authors: Yizhong Jenny Hu; Eric Y. Yu; Zexi Wang; X. Lucas Lu; Herbert J. Cooper; Roshan P. Shah; Jeffrey A. Geller; X. Edward Guo)
Cartilage and Synovium-Structure, Function and Mechanics
- Poster No. 0693 - Functional Characterization Of Engineered Synovium: Friction Coefficient And Elastic Modulus. (Authors: Lianna R. Gangi; Lance A. Murphy; Timothy R. Jacobsen; Hagar M. Kenawy; Nadeen O. Chahine; Gerard A. Ateshian; Roshan P. Shah; Clark T. Hung)
Hip-Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions
- Poster No. 0956 - Aspirin Is A Good Prophylaxis Option For Venous Thromboembolism In Patients With Femoral Neck Fracture Undergoing Arthroplasty. (Authors: Emanuele Chisari; Roshan Shah; Matthew Levitsky; Nicolas Piuzzi; Carlos Higuera; Daniel Santana; Syona Satwah; Timothy L. Tan; Javad Parvizi)
Knee-Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions
- Poster No. 1280 - Customized Individually-made Total Knee Implants Are Associated With Similar Improvements In Patient-reported Outcomes As Conventional Implants. (Authors: Carl Herndon; Jeremy Frederick; Walkania Santos; Jeffrey Geller; Alexander Neuwirth; Thomas Hickernell; Jakub Tatka; Roshan Shah; H. John Cooper)
Shoulder and Elbow-Arthroplasty
- Poster No. 1329 - Biological Sex Impacts Perioperative Complications Following Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty For Proximal Humeral Fracture. (Authors: Chimere O. Ezuma; David Kovacevic; Rashed L. Kosber)
- Poster No. 3589 - Prevalence of Patient Safety Indicator Events And Mechanical Complications In Patients Undergoing Shoulder Arthroplasty. (Authors: Rashed L. Kosber, Chimere O. Ezuma; David Kovacevic, MD)
Intervertebral Disc-Diseases and Disorders
- Activation Of Ikkβ Causes Severe Intervertebral Disc Degeneration In The Mouse Caudal Spine. (Presenter: Kevin Burt)
- Actomyosin Contractility Mediates Response Of The Np Cell Phenotype To Inflammatory Stimulation. (Presenter: Timothy Jacobsen)
Intervertebral Disc-Structure, Function and Mechanics
- Hydrostatic Pressure Loading Of Macrophages Regulates Immune Function. (Presenter: Kevin Burt)
Intervertebral Disc-Treatment and Therapeutics
- Mechanical Loading Of The Ivd Influences The Immunomodulatory Response Of Mscs In Co-culture. (Presenter: Hagar Kenawy)
Spine-Injury, Healing and Pain
- Immunophenotyping Of Whole Blood In Patients Experiencing Low Back Pain. (Presenter: Lauren Lisiewski)
Tendon and Ligament-Growth, Development and Aging
- The Role Of Tgfb In Gli1-expressing Cells At The Developing Enthesis. (Presenter: Lee Song)
- Dynamic Transcriptional Profile Of Gli1-lineage Enthesis Cells At Single-cell Resolution. (Presenter: Fei Fang)
Tendon and Ligament-Injury and Healing
- Neuroimmune Modulation By The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α7 In Rotator Cuff Disease. (Presenter: Iden Kurtaliaj)
Tendon and Ligament-Structure, Function and Mechanics
- Position-Dependent Recruitment Of Collagen Fibers Determines Tendon Enthesis Toughness. (Presenter: Mikhail Golman)
Monday, February 15
Shoulder and Elbow – Biology and Biologics
- Characterization of CD146+ Progenitor Cells from Human Rotator Cuff Tendon and Bursa. (Authors: Gayoung Park, Solaiman Tarafder, Alexis Konjas, David Kovacevic, Chang H. Lee)
- The Role Of The Subacromial Bursa In Rotator Cuff Disease In A Rat Model. (Presenter: Brittany Marshall)
Intervertebral Disc - Homeostasis and Development
- Macrophage Subtype Influences Intervertebral Disc Integrity And Inflammation. (Presenter: Lauren Lisiewski)