Raising the Game 2022: Athletic Injuries of the Ankle
Webinar // January 26 // 7:00–8:30pm EST

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Get evidence-based best practices for providing head to toe care from the faculty of Columbia Sports Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian. This webinar is intended for the medical professional (physical therapist, physician, athletic trainer) who wants to learn more about common problems seen in the treatment of athletic ankle injuries. Challenges encountered in diagnosis and treatment will be discussed.
Program Information
- Establish an understanding of ankle sprains, especially when healing does not occur as expected
- Analyze and assess treatment options for midfoot (Lisfranc) injuries
- Study the peroneal tendons – normal function and injuries
- Review new concepts in rehab of the ankle in athletes
Sprains & Stability - Dr. Ettore Vulcano
Midfoot Injuries in Athletes - Dr. Bonnie Chien
Peroneal Tendon Injuries - Dr. Justin Greisberg
Rehab of the Athlete's Ankle - Derrick McQuiston, DPT
Caregory A BOC CEU