The 2023 Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America Annual Meeting
Lectures and research from Columbia Orthopedics faculty
April 26, 2023

The 2023 Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) Annual Meeting will feature presentations and research from a number of Columbia Orthopedics faculty. The POSNA Annual Meeting, held in Nashville, Tennessee from April 26-28, serves as a forum for surgeons, physicians, and allied health members dedicated to advancing musculoskeletal care for children and adolescents through education, research, quality, safety and value initiatives, advocacy, and global outreach to children in underserved areas.
See below for the syllabus of presentations, lectures, and papers being presented by Columbia Orthopedics faculty:
Wednesday, April 26
Subspecialty Day - Spine: Back Pain is a Pain in the Neck
- 8:00 AM - Risk of UPROR Increases with Increased Curve Correction After Fusion in Severe Syndromic and Neuromuscular Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS). Rishi Sinha; Alondra Concepción-González; Theodore Quan; Hiroko Matsumoto, PhD; Afrain Boby; Michael Vitale, MD, MPH; Amer Samdani, MD; Lindsay Andras, MD; Mark Erickson, MD; Purnendu Gupta, MD; Joshua Pahys, MD; Benjamin Roye, MD
Friday, April 28
Concurrent Session - Spine
- 2:00 PM - Smaller Curves in Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis Improve with Part-Time Bracing. Christina Rymond; Rishi Sinha; Jacob Ball; Afrain Boby; Michael Vitale, MD, MPH; Benjamin Roye, MD
- 3:55 PM - A New Look at Vertebral Body Tethering: Through the Modified Clavien-Dindo-Sink (mCDS) Classification. John Vorhies, MD; Samantha Garcia; Lucas Hauth; Benjamin Roye, MD; Peter Sturm, MD; Michael Glotzbecker, MD; Nicholas Fletcher, MD; Joseph Stone, MD; Patrick Cahill, MD; Jason Anari, MD
ePoster 52
- Failure to Lengthen Consensus for the Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod. Benjamin Roye, MD; Selina Poon, MD; Samantha Garcia; Lucas Hauth; Jason Anari, MD