Heel Stretch Instructions
After your child’s Achilles tenotomy and final cast, it is now time to start wearing boots and bars. During this phase of the Ponseti method, it will be of utmost importance to stretch your child’s foot at the time of each and every diaper change.While the tenotomy procedure has enabled the foot to become more flexible, the stretching exercise below will help maintain and further develop this flexibility.

- Place your child comfortably on his/her back
- Stand on the side of the foot being stretched
- Grasp the heel between index finger and thumb while holding your child’s foot in the palm of your hand (left hand for left foot)
- Cup the knee with your free hand closest to your child’s head
- Pull down on heel to stretch Achilles tendon while pushing up on ball of foot with heel of your hand
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Repeat 3 times per foot during each diaper change