NYOH Alumni Association Biennial Meeting

Biennial Meeting
Held every two years in New York City, the biennial meeting of the New York Orthopaedic Hospital Alumni Association is a unique gathering of current and future thought leaders in the field of orthopedic surgery - including current and former residents, fellows, faculty, and guest lecturers. These meetings, and the tradition they represent, are at the heart of Columbia Orthopedics' continuing mission to promote excellence in clinical care, research, and academic training.
Next Meeting: May 2-3, 2025

The New York Orthopaedic Hospital Alumni Association's 77th Biennial Meeting will be held May 2-3, 2025 in New York City.
Past Meetings
77th Biennial Meeting
May 5-6, 2023
Meeting Program
76th Biennial Meeting
May 4-5, 2018
Meeting Program
75th Biennial Meeting & 150th Anniversary Celebration
May 13-14, 2018
Meeting Program
74th Biennial Meeting
May 20-21, 2011
Meeting Program
73th Biennial Meeting & 150th Anniversary Celebration
May 8-9, 2009
Meeting Program
72nd Biennial Meeting
April 20-21, 2007
Meeting Program
71st Biennial Meeting
April 1-2, 2005
Meeting Program
70th Biennial Meeting
April 4-5, 2003
Meeting Program